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Simulink Check 函数 - 按字母顺序排列的列表

ActiveBlocksReturns the active non-virtual block handles
addClassification(To be removed) Add metric data classification to slmetric.config.Threshold object
addConstraintID Add constraint to composite constraint
addPreRequisiteConstraintIDCheck a prerequisite constraint object before the actual constraint object
addProcedure 将检查过程添加到模型顾问文件夹中
addProcedureAdd subprocedure to procedure
addThreshold(To be removed) Create slmetric.config.Threshold object
addWidget(To be removed) Add widget to slmetric.dashboard.Container object
addWidget(To be removed) Add widget to slmetric.dashboard.Group object
addWidget(To be removed) Add widget to slmetric.dashboard.Layout object
Advisor.addExclusion向模型或排除项文件添加排除项 (自 R2021a 起)
Advisor.Application.selectCheckInstancesSelect check instances to use in Model Advisor analysis
Advisor.authoring.CompositeConstraintCreate a Model Advisor constraint that checks for multiple constraints
Advisor.authoring.createBlockConstraintCheckCreate Model Advisor check with block constraints
Advisor.authoring.CustomCheck.actionCallbackRegister action callback for model configuration check
Advisor.authoring.DataFile.validateValidate XML data file used for model configuration check
Advisor.authoring.generateBlockConstraintsDataFile(Not recommended) Generate XML data file for custom check for block constraints
Advisor.authoring.generateConfigurationParameterDataFileGenerate XML data file for custom configuration parameter check
Advisor.authoring.PositiveModelParameterConstraintCreate a Model Advisor constraint to check for supported model parameter values
Advisor.clearExclusionClear all exclusions from model or exclusion file (自 R2021a 起)
Advisor.component.ComponentCreate component for metric analysis
Advisor.component.Types创建指定组件类型的 enum
Advisor.getExclusionGet exclusion information from model or exclusion file (自 R2021a 起)
Advisor.loadExclusionLoad exclusions from exclusion file (自 R2021a 起)
Advisor.removeExclusionRemoves exclusions from model or exclusion file (自 R2021a 起)
Advisor.saveExclusionSave exclusions to model or exclusion file (自 R2021a 起)
blockDiscoveredSpecify algorithm for identifying blocks that violate edit-time check (自 R2022a 起)
blocksAffectedByParameterFinds the Simulink blocks affected by a parameter (自 R2021b 起)
createApplication创建 Advisor.Application 对象
delete删除 Advisor.Application 对象
deselectCheckInstancesClear check instances from Model Advisor analysis
deselectComponentsClear model components from Model Advisor analysis
edittime.enableCheckEnable disabled custom edit-time check (自 R2022a 起)
execute(To be removed) Collect metric data
exportMetrics(To be removed) Export model metrics
finishedTraversalSpecify edit-time check algorithm to run after blockDiscovered method (自 R2022a 起)
fix Specify algorithm for fixing edit-time check block violations (自 R2022a 起)
generateReportGenerate report for Model Advisor analysis
getAnalysisRootMetric(To be removed) Get metric data for one metric for analysis root only
getApplication返回 Advisor.Application 对象的句柄
getCheckInstanceIDsObtain check instance IDs
getClassifications(To be removed) Obtain metric data classifications
getDashboardLayout(To be removed) Create Metrics Dashboard layout object in base workspace
getErrorLog(To be removed) Get error log
getGroupIdentifier(To be removed) Obtain the identifier for a group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects
getGroupName(To be removed) Obtain name for a group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects
getHeight(To be removed) Obtain height of Metrics Dashboard custom widget
getHeight(To be removed) Obtain height of Metrics Dashboard widget
getMargin(To be removed) Obtain distance from container edge to its contents
getMargin(To be removed) Obtain distance from group edge to contents
getMetricDistribution(To be removed) Get metric distribution
getMetricFamilyParameterValues(To be removed) Obtain metric family Check Group IDs
getMetricIDs(To be removed) Obtain metric identifier for custom Metrics Dashboard widget
getMetricIDs(To be removed) Obtain metric identifier for Metrics Dashboard widget
getMetricMetaInformation(To be removed) Obtain metric meta-information
getMetrics(To be removed) Access model metric data
getPosition(To be removed) Obtain container position within Metrics Dashboard
getPosition(To be removed) Obtain custom widget position within Metrics Dashboard
getPosition(To be removed) Obtain group position within Metrics Dashboard
getPosition(To be removed) Obtain widget position within Metrics Dashboard
getReportFileName获取 系统结果对象的报告文件名 (自 R2021a 起)
getSeparators(To be removed) Determine whether there are lines on sides of Metrics Dashboard container
getSeparators(To be removed) Determine whether there are lines on sides of Metrics Dashboard custom widget
getSeparators(To be removed) Determine whether there are lines on sides of Metrics Dashboard group
getSeparators(To be removed) Determine whether there are lines on sides of Metrics Dashboard widget
getStatistics(To be removed) Get statistics on metric data
getThresholdConfigurations(To be removed) Specify metric threshold configurations
getThresholds(To be removed) Obtain properties of threshold objects
getWidgets(To be removed) Obtain a list of widgets in slmetric.dashboard.Container object
getWidgets(To be removed) Obtain a list of widgets in an slmetric.dashboard.Group object
getWidgets(To be removed) Obtain a list of widgets in an slmetric.dashboard.Layout object
getWidths(To be removed) Obtain widths of Metrics Dashboard container
getWidths(To be removed) Obtain widths of Metrics Dashboard custom widget
getWidths(To be removed) Obtain widths of Metrics Dashboard group
getWidths(To be removed) Obtain widths of Metrics Dashboard widget
isMetricFamilyParameterParameterized(To be removed) Determine whether Metrics Dashboard configuration object has metric family parameter values
metric.EngineCollect metric results (自 R2020b 起)
metric.ResultResults from specified metric (自 R2020b 起)
ModelAdvisor.CheckResultAccess Model Advisor check results
ModelAdvisor.EdittimeCheckAbstract base class for creating edit-time checks (自 R2022a 起)
ModelAdvisor.getModelConfiguration获取与模型关联的模型顾问配置 (自 R2022a 起)
ModelAdvisor.ImageInclude image in Model Advisor output
ModelAdvisor.ListViewParameter(To be removed) Add list view parameters to custom checks
ModelAdvisor.lookupCheckID查找旧模型顾问检查 ID 对应的当前模型顾问检查 ID
ModelAdvisor.PreferencesSet Model Advisor window preferences by specifying which folders and tabs to display
ModelAdvisor.ResultDetailDefine check result details
ModelAdvisor.setDefaultConfiguration设置模型顾问配置 (自 R2020a 起)
ModelAdvisor.setModelConfiguration设置与模型关联的模型顾问配置 (自 R2022a 起)
modelDesignDashboardOpen Model Maintainability Dashboard (自 R2022b 起)
modelTestingDashboardOpen Model Testing Dashboard (自 R2020b 起)
new(To be removed) Create configuration object for customizing Metrics Dashboard layout
open(To be removed) Create configuration object associated with XML configuration file in base workspace
openDefaultConfiguration(To be removed) Return shipping Metrics Dashboard configuration object in base workspace
parametersAffectingBlockFinds parameters that impact a Simulink block (自 R2021b 起)
removeClassification(To be removed) Remove metric threshold classification
removeThreshold(To be removed) Remove threshold object from threshold configuration object
removeWidget(To be removed) Remove widget from slmetric.dashboard.Container object
removeWidget(To be removed) Remove widget from slmetric.dashboard.Group object
removeWidget(To be removed) Remove widget from slmetric.dashboard.Layout object
resetMetricFamilyParameterValues(To be removed) Clear metric family parameter values
save(To be removed) Save contents of slmetric.config.Configuration object to XML file
save(To be removed) Save contents of slmetric.dashboard.Configuration object to XML file
selectComponentsSelect model components for Model Advisor analysis
setAnalysisRootSpecify model reference hierarchy for Model Advisor analysis
setAnalysisRoot(To be removed) Specify model or subsystem for metric analysis
setCheckTextAdd description of check to result
setColorSpecify text color in Model Advisor analysis results
setDataAssociate Model Advisor check result with specific block or signal
setEntriesSpecify contents of table in Model Advisor analysis results
setEntrySpecify content cell in table in Model Advisor analysis results
setGroup(To be removed) Set name and identifier for group of slmetric.metric.ResultDetail objects
setHeadingAlignSpecify table title alignment
setHeight(To be removed) Specify height of Metrics Dashboard custom widget
setHeight(To be removed) Specify height of Metrics Dashboard widget
setHelpSet custom help for custom authored Model Advisor checks (自 R2022a 起)
setHelpSet custom help for folders that have custom authored Model Advisor checks (自 R2022a 起)
setInformationAdd description of subcheck to result
setInputParametersLayoutGridSpecify layout grid for input parameters
setMargin(To be removed) Specify distance from container edge to its contents
setMargin(To be removed) Specify distance from group edge to its contents
setMetricFamilyParameterValues(To be removed) Obtain compliance and issues metric data on your Model Advisor configuration
setMetricIDs(To be removed) Set metric identifier for custom Metrics Dashboard widget
setPosition(To be removed) Set container position within Metrics Dashboard
setPosition(To be removed) Set custom widget position within Metrics Dashboard
setPosition(To be removed) Set group position within Metrics Dashboard
setPosition(To be removed) Set widget position within Metrics Dashboard
setRecActionAdd Recommended Action section and text
setRefLinkAdd See Also section and links
setRetainSpaceReturnRetain spacing and returns in text
setRowHeadingAlignSpecify table row title alignment
setRowHeadingValignSpecify table row title vertical alignment
setSeparators(To be removed) Specify lines on Metrics Dashboard container sides
setSeparators(To be removed) Specify lines on Metrics Dashboard custom widget sides
setSeparators(To be removed) Specify lines on Metrics Dashboard group sides
setSeparators(To be removed) Specify lines on Metrics Dashboard widget sides
setSubBarAdd line between subcheck results
setSubResultStatusAdd status to the check or subcheck result
setSubResultStatusTextAdd text below status in result
setSubscriptSpecify subscripted text
setSubTitleAdd title for subcheck in result
setTableInfoAdd data to table
setTableTitleAdd title to table in Model Advisor analysis results
setTypeSpecify Model Advisor list type
setWidths(To be removed) Specify multiple widths for Metrics Dashboard container
setWidths(To be removed) Specify multiples widths for Metrics Dashboard custom widget
setWidths(To be removed) Specify multiple widths for Metrics Dashboard group
setWidths(To be removed) Specify multiple widths for Metrics Dashboard widget
simulateSimulates a test case for dynamic slicing from time "t1" to time "t2"
Simulink.CloneDetection.checkEquivalencyCheck equivalency of clone-replaced model and original model (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.EquivalencyCheckResultsResults of equivalency check (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.findClonesFind clones in a model (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.generateReportGenerate clone detection report (自 R2023b 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.highlightCloneHighlight clone in a Simulink model (自 R2021b 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.replaceClonesReplace clones in a model (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.ReplacementConfigConditions for clone replacement function (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.ReplacementResultsResults of replace clones (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.ResultsResults of find clones (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.CloneDetection.Settings Conditions for findClones function (自 R2021a 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.BusTransformation.identifyIdentify Bus Selector and Bus Creator blocks to transform (自 R2022b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.BusTransformation.refactorReplace Bus Selector and Bus Creator blocks with In Bus Element and Out Bus Element blocks (自 R2022b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.BusTransformation.ResultResults of identified Bus Selector and Bus Creator blocks (自 R2022b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.identifyCandidatesIdentify eligible Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks to transform (自 R2021b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.refactorModelReplace Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks (自 R2021b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.RefactorResultsRefactored model results (自 R2021b 起)
Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.ResultsResults of search for eligible Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks (自 R2021b 起)
slmetric.config.Configuration(To be removed) Specify metric data categories and custom metric families be removed) Create configuration object for customizing the Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.config.Configuration.openDefaultConfiguration(To be removed) Return shipping Metrics Dashboard configuration object in base workspace
slmetric.config.getActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Obtain file path and name of XML file containing active Metrics Dashboard custom configuration
slmetric.config.MetricRange(To be removed) Specify metric data threshold values
slmetric.config.Threshold(To be removed) Object for holding metric result thresholds
slmetric.config.ThresholdConfiguration(To be removed) Specify metric and slmetric.metric.Result property for thresholding
slmetric.dashboard.Configuration(To be removed) Object containing information on Metrics Dashboard layout and widgets be removed) Create slmetric.dashboard.Configuration object associated with XML configuration file in base workspace
slmetric.dashboard.Container (To be removed) Widget for holding slmetric.dashboard.Widget and slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget objects in Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget(To be removed) Object for holding custom Metrics Dashboard widgets
slmetric.dashboard.getActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Obtain file path and name of XML file containing active Metrics Dashboard layout
slmetric.dashboard.Group(To be removed) Widget for holding slmetric.dashboard.Container, slmetric.dashboard.Widget and slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget objects on Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.dashboard.Layout 创建用于保留度量仪表板自定义的对象
slmetric.dashboard.Widget(To be removed) Object for holding Actual/Potential Reuse, System Interface, or System Info widgets
slmetric.Engine(To be removed) Collect metric data on models or model components
slmetric.metric.createNewMetricClass(To be removed) Create new metric class for a custom model metric
slmetric.metric.MetaInformation(To be removed) Access meta-information for metrics
slmetric.metric.Metric(To be removed) Abstract class for creating model metrics
slmetric.metric.registerMetric(To be removed) Register a custom model metric with the model metric repository
slmetric.metric.Result(To be removed) Metric data for specified model component and metric algorithm
slmetric.metric.ResultClassification(To be removed) Access metric data thresholds results
slmetric.metric.ResultCollection(To be removed) Metric data for specified model metric
slmetric.metric.ResultDetail(To be removed) Details about instances of slmetric.metric.Result objects
slmetric.metric.unregisterMetric(To be removed) Unregister a custom model metric from the model metric repository
slslicerCreate API object for invoking Model Slicer
SLSlicerAPI.ParameterDependenceClass to determine the impact of parameters on a Simulink Model (自 R2021b 起)
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicerClass representing a set of Model Slicer functionality
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.addConstraintAdds the constraint on Switch or Multiport switch blocks, and Stateflow state or transition
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.addSliceComponentAdds a model or a subsystem as a slice component
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.refineDeadLogicUpdates the model highlighting with dead logic refinement
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.removeConstraintRemoves the constraint from the model slice
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.removeDeadLogicRemoves the dead logic refinement
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.removeSliceComponentRemoves the slice component from the model slice
SLSlicerAPI.SLSlicer.reportGenerate web report for the model
slsliceroptionsCreate options object for configuring Model Slicer
slslicertraceReturn block handles in sliced model or source model after using Model Slicer
terminateDiscards the analysis data and reverts the model highlighting (invoked when the object goes out of scope)
validate(To be removed) Validate metric range thresholds