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MATLAB J1939 参数组快速入门

此示例说明如何使用存储在 DBC 文件中的信息来创建和管理 J1939 参数组。此示例使用文件 J1939.dbc。当需要向 J1939 网络传输数据时,建议以这种方式创建和使用参数组。

打开 DBC 文件

使用 canDatabase 打开 DBC 文件以访问定义。

db = canDatabase("J1939.dbc")
db = 
  Database with properties:

             Name: 'J1939'
             Path: 'C:\Users\michellw\OneDrive - MathWorks\Documents\MATLAB\Examples\vnt-ex46196345\J1939.dbc'
            Nodes: {2×1 cell}
         NodeInfo: [2×1 struct]
         Messages: {2×1 cell}
      MessageInfo: [2×1 struct]
       Attributes: {3×1 cell}
    AttributeInfo: [3×1 struct]
         UserData: []


使用 j1939ParameterGroup 函数以及数据库中包含的信息创建一个参数组。

pg = j1939ParameterGroup(db, "VehicleDataSingle")
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 6
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 254
    DestinationAddress: 254

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []



pg.SourceAddress = 30
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 6
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 254

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

pg.DestinationAddress = 50
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 6
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []


设置 Priority 属性以进一步自定义传输。

pg.Priority = 5;


使用 Signals 属性查看此参数组的信号值。您可以直接写入和读取这些信号,以将数据打包到参数组中或从中解包数据。

ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal4: -1
    VehicleSignal3: -1
    VehicleSignal2: -1
    VehicleSignal1: -1



pg.Signals.VehicleSignal1 = 10
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 5
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [10 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

pg.Signals.VehicleSignal2 = 100
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 5
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [10 0 100 0 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

pg.Signals.VehicleSignal3 = 1000
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 5
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [10 0 100 0 232 3 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

pg.Signals.VehicleSignal4 = 10000
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 5
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [10 0 100 0 232 3 16 39]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal4: 10000
    VehicleSignal3: 1000
    VehicleSignal2: 100
    VehicleSignal1: 10


您还可以将值直接写入 Data 属性,但通常建议并首选通过 Signals 设置值。

pg.Data(1:2) = [50 0]
pg = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 5
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 30
    DestinationAddress: 50

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [50 0 100 0 232 3 16 39]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal4: 10000
    VehicleSignal3: 1000
    VehicleSignal2: 100
    VehicleSignal1: 50